You might be looking at a wheel with weird squiggles on it, or perhaps a kind website has broken all this information down into a grid or list. Ok, so now you've created your birth chart via the internet and know where the planets were located when you were born.
If that applies to your current life, you can imagine that astrologers believe the placement of the planets when you were born might have a little something to do with who you are and what happens in your life. \ How to read a birth chart Well, astrology is defined as “the divination of the supposed influences of the stars and planets on human affairs and terrestrial events by their positions and aspects.” So, every time you read your horoscope, it's based on the goings on of the stars and planets above. While that's cool and all, you might be wondering how it applies to your life today. Your birth chart tells you where the planets were in the sky at the time of your birth. The only information you will need is your birth details: date, time, year, and place.

Websites like offer easy and free ways to cast your chart, giving you all the info you need to lay out the roadmap to your life. First, you’ll need to create your birth chart.